Sunday, November 25, 2007

Long term emissions reduction and energy solutions

Experts believe that in order to reverse the effects of global warming the following must be done:

Phasing out industrial pollutants in transportation, farms and industrial theaters. 51% of our problem comes from this alone.

Better mileage for cars, buses and trucks; federal legislation and international pressure

Reduction of nitrous oxide in fertilizers; better farm managements, more organic farms

Reducing CFCs HCFCs (hydro fluorocarbons) in third world countries. Increase usage of scrubbers and other industrial pollution reducers.

Capturing and controlling methane from landfills and livestock. 18% of our problem.

Improving nutrient balance in animal feed

Capture methane from animals and convert it into power

Convert methane in landfills to power

Monitor landfills to make sure methane doesn't leak out

Replanting forests and ending illegal forestry. 13%

Recycle wood and raw material to reduce demand

Legislate a sustainable forestry act requiring loggers to replant forests after harvesting

End illegal forestry in the rainforests and in Canadian and Russian forests

Phase out the burning of fossil fuels for energy
purposes. 39%

Switch to alternative energy

Require scrubbers in for all power plants

End construction of coal or fuel powered power plants

Assuming that the plan works as it should pollution in 2025 should look something like this:

Industrial pollutants have become a larger percentage, yet in actuality, the pollutants have been reduced by 80%. The replanting of forests and more comprehensive methane capture has reduced both categories by 50%. Fossil fuels on the other hand, have been reduced by less than 25% because of their reliance in third world countries.